You will receive an email with a link to a webpage that you need to enter your Serial Number in. Thanks very much for your understanding!Double check your activation code! If you receive an error message when following the instructions, do not proceed, and download the provided Form/VCDS-Lite manually.PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS.You must include your email address below in order to receive your activation file by the end of the next business day. Please do not submit your order with the serial number unless you have seen it work on the video. We want to be as helpful as possible with your submission. You must come back to the website to get a new one. I recommend registering it on the website and printing it out, so that you can keep it handy.Submitting your Serial Number For the control module, I recommend registering with the website, and printing it out, so that you can keep it handy.We are not responsible for lost Serial Numbers, lost Control Module, etc. Here is your complete Control Module serial number. When the app launches, it will automatically switch to VCDS-Lite activation mode instead of VCDS-Lite activation screen.

This happens because the VCDS-Lite “setup.exe” application is left open after the installation of VCDS-Lite. After installing VCDS-Lite using the online registration with serial key, I will be able to open VCDS-Lite for the first time, but after closing, the application will not come back to the VCDS-Lite activation screen.